You’re Not Warren Buffett

As Clint Eastwood said in Magnum Force, “A man’s got to know his limitations”. Warren Buffett is perhaps the wealthiest and most famous investor of all time. Therefore many have tried to emulate him – including professional money managers – without much success. The fact is, very few could ever duplicate the process and the success he and his partner, Charlie Munger, have achieved at Berkshire Hathaway.

First, Buffett has over 75 years of investing experience, having bought his first stock at age 11. As well, except for a few hands of bridge with Bill Gates, he spends all of his time evaluating investments. His wealth and ownership of Read More »

When it comes to investing, patience is definitely a virtue

I had a very interesting conversation with a client recently.  During the course of our discussion, he mentioned to me that he thought that I was in one of the toughest businesses one could be in.

When I asked what he meant, he explained it was because it was so difficult for so many investors to wait out the bad times, to be patient, to overcome that desire we all have to get rich quick; and that it must be challenging for me, especially in times like these, to convince investors that, in the long run, it will be worth the wait; even if the wait seems endless.

It was a real coincidence that he chose that particular day to have that particular Read More »